28 April 2011

mimicking birds

for fans of weed and modest mouse http://www.mediafire.com/?lz12mz2xok2 here is a song to preview http://youtu.be/kTo5pBEg7ts

I'm mildly obsessed with these two songs now...

Check out this version of Lover's Spit - with a girl vocalist. The youtbe video is pretty cool also.

Also, I just found out that BSS did a number of songs for the Half Nelson soundtrack (which is a great movie in itself. Gosling is basically off the charts.)

1. Shampoo Suicide

2. Lover's Spit

Fantastic transition from Billy Bragg to BSS too in that second scene.

22 April 2011

Live Version of Lover's Spit


... of the Week

Song - 'Festival' Sigur Ros. Definitely rewards patience, but the lift for the second half of the song is killer. I do not think any band evokes the sort of emotion that these guys do.

They use this one to close out the movie '127 hours' too.

Album - 'No Fuckin Messiah' Pearl Jam. Courtesy Trabs and McChets. From the days you could buy a 10 song bootleg for $50 from Sound Chaser.

20 April 2011

josh t pearson

give this album a chance trust me.......http://megaupload.com/?d=QK9IU3M0 bri lane you will prob do it before anyone else......google josh t pearson last of the country gentleman and read some reviews....doesnt get more simple and real than this


this girl is blowing up like daves ankles.....this performance is absurd....it is about her ex http://youtu.be/qemWRToNYJY

Plan B - Defamation of Strickland Banks


Love this sound. Heard em on Conan last night. Really good.

Does anyone besides me, Dave, and Collyer download these links?

Neat Little Rows

Pretty sweet tune from Elbow's new album.

19 April 2011

gary clark jr

read about this guy in rollingstone....hey can def play the guitar...ive read he is the next hendrix http://youtu.be/9Si3_TSw2wQ solo midway through is absurd...he makes it look so easy

16 April 2011

The Sheepdogs - Learn & Burn

Disc from 'The Sheepdogs' Late 60s and 70s sounding rock. I think it sounds like a mix of Allmans, NY, Some The Doors with the keys. Good stuff.

13 April 2011


here is a link to a free ep from a rap group that uses samples from the national....not bad

07 April 2011

... of the Week

Strong singles from female leads:

1. Neko Case - Star Witness
2. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps
3. Flo + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over. A strong live version at this link.
4. Lykke Li - Love Out of Lust
5. Adele - Someone Like You

J-fly, feel free to opine.

Also, that Jools Holland show is ridiculous, remember this one?

06 April 2011

05 April 2011

lykke li

not for everyone...prob for your signifigant others...her voice is as good as her body....love this chick....here is her new album....http://www.mediafire.com/?4t7jdl8zzhf321a here is a song if you like this you will like the album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i00_qTtyxWM&feature=fvwrel

The Pale King

Nothing to do with music...Posthumous David Foster Wallace book, The Pale King, is being released April 15. This was in process when he committed suicide and apparently much of it was already complete - meaning those that are publishing now only had to organize his writing and did not add anything to it.

Read this guy's stuff. I could give you a bunch of superlatives and other adjectives to try and convince you to get into him, but just trust me on this one.

A few of his essays are here at Harper's. The final posting on that Harper's page is an excerpt from The Pale King.

02 April 2011

Ashes to Ashes

This song's been in heavy rotation. It's not new, but it's not well-known either, so I figured I'd share it. Raw, ominous guitar, gritty vocals, and Dylan-esque lyrics. Give it a listen.

01 April 2011

... of the Week

Album: 'Z' - MMJ. Is this their finest or do you go with It Still Moves? Higher TALL for me is probably 'It Still Moves' but 'Z' cannot be far behind. Either way, 'Z' is in heavy rotation right now.

They really know how to close a record too:

It Still Moves - Just One Thing, Steam Engine, One in the Same
Z - Lay Low, Knot Comes Loose, and Dondante

Song: 'Salt in the Wound' - Delta Spirit