09 June 2011

the interns

if you love the futurebirds you will love this. it is 3/5 of the futurebirds this song is smother and it mite be my fav song of the past yr....i have had this for a while but for some reason havnt really mentioned this...i have the album but having a hard time find ing a leak. give me some feedback on these guys. i love it myself. i will do my best to get the album. here is the site where you can hear the album http://theinterns.bandcamp.com/ haa there is a free download of the album on the site. i highly recomend grabbing it


  1. i have this, i think you emailed it a while back. it is good stuff

  2. Like this a lot. Colls is right, if you like Futurebirds then you will like this.
