23 June 2011

... of the Week

Song - Gotta give Neil credit here for the fresh hair cut and chilling high register vocals. This particular song has been a huge part of the rotation after we watched one of the B's game on Marb Street and JFly spun it. I probably have the latest 50 watches of the 83,601. After the Gold Rush

Album - Elton John, Madman Across the Water. The first side is ridiculous - Tony Danza, Levon, Razor Face, and Madman Across the Water. This was another gem that I pulled from my parents' collection.

Career Ender - Coldplay's single.
Interviewer: "What happened here?"
Chris Martin: "..."
Interviewer: [to camera] "Well, there you have it."

1 comment:

  1. Re: Coldplay-

    The song got one note in when I noticed its title and exited the browser window. What a josh.
